Extreme Web Makeover

Improved accessibility for Enköping’s residents


Enköping is the second largest municipality in Uppsala County with some 40,000 residents. Both residents and visitors use the municipality’s many service functions – everything from preschools, care and welfare to traffic issues and visitor information. The municipal website is the hub for information about all of these services, and the ambition is to ensure that the site is as simple as possible to use – even for people with disabilities.


HiQ was commissioned to assist the Municipality of Enköping in making it easier for people to find and make use of municipal services. Enköping had set its sights on having Sweden’s best municipal website.

“For an unsurpassed focus on helping users to find what they need – Bingo!” / The winning jury of the Swedish Publishing Prize


From the earliest stages of the project, work was governed by three clear objectives:

  1. To simplify the process of applying for municipal services.
  2. To provide better practical assistance ahead of a visit to Enköping.
  3. To deliver the right information to the right target group.

HiQ delivered an all-round solution from initial design idea to fully functioning website. A new design concept was developed, based on the user’s life situation. This differed from traditional ideas of what a municipal website should look like, but made it easier for users to see the full spectrum of services available. Two key words in this context were accessibility and usability. The ne website complies fully with official WCAG 2.0 guidelines for web content accessibility.


Today’s visitors to enkoping.se are welcomed by a website that is better adapted to their respective target group and life situation. Through the unique design concept we succeeded in improving site navigation and making it easier to find the right information. Just a couple of clicks and users are presented with whatever information they are seeking: all irrelevant information is neatly excluded. And the municipality’s web editors have access to new templates and functions that make it simpler to edit, manage and expand the website.

The new enkoping.se was awarded “Sweden´s best municipality website 2017” by Internetworld och at the Swedish Publishing Prize the website won recognition for its usability.

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