SAS & Finnair

From delayed to On time

Digital schedules simplify day-to-day work for SAS & Finnair

Together with Finnair and SAS, HiQ has developed and optimised the Crew Management System (CMS).


Delays and flight cancellations don’t only cause problems for travellers. The effects are also felt by airlines and their employees. Numerous schedules must be revised and replacement crews need to be drafted in. Also, new solutions for overnight stays and transfers need to be matched to the staff affected. The quicker, the better – for all those involved.


HiQ to take over responsibility for day-to-day application management and new development for the Crew Management Systems (CMS) at SAS and Finnair. A CMS manages the timetabling of working hours and ensures compliance with rules for stopovers, transfers, visas and staff meal breaks during work. Our assignment also includes round-the-clock support and ongoing improvements to optimise the system.


A team comprising a total of 27 people who share responsibility for application management, development and user support. HiQ also acts as an important link to coordinate communication between administrator, airline, operations supplier and system supplier.
Many years ago timetabling and planning were manual processes carried out by the airline companies themselves. The work was time-consuming and resource-intensive. Today the digital crew management system simplifies many aspects of this kind of planning work. The optimised CMS system enables airline companies to solve the problems arising from passenger delays as quickly as possible.

HiQ Projects

At HiQ we are leading and working with projects at our clients as well monitoring projects at our own premises. We also collaborate and mix teams like for example as our teams in Sweden and Finland work together with our Nearshore team in Russia. At HiQ we are team players and our values; Results, responsibility, simplicity and joy are with us in every project, every day.

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