maj 2, 2022
HiQ behind Yamaha Motor’s first-ever connected vehicle in Europe
Photo: Yamaha Motors
HiQ and Yamaha Motors are launching Yamaha Motor’s first-ever hardware-connected scooter in Europe, which you can connect with the MyRide app. The NMAX 125cc and 155cc Yamaha Motor’s first iOT connected vehicle in Europe and the start of a digital experience when riding your scooter. “It is very exciting for us at HiQ to be part of and contribute to the journey where Yamaha Motor’s launch their very first connected vehicle in Europe,” says Samuel Skott, CEO of HiQ.
Yamaha Motor Europe and HiQ have been developing the MyRide app together for five years. In the app, riders can find valuable information about their latest ”Ride” – lean angle data, average speed, elevation, and riders are able to create and share their own routes with friends. The app uses intelligent functionalities in the phone for all data and works separately from the scooter. Now a scooter is being connected to the app for the first time – the new NMAX, starting from model year 2021 onwards, is Yamaha Motor’s first connected vehicle in Europe ever and thus the starting point of a digital experience of scooter riding.
Yamaha Motor’s new versions of the vehicles NMAX 125 and NMAX 155 allow the user to connect their scooter to MyRide App and take part in further information such as fuel consumption, their latest parked position, battery, oil status and receiving notifications about the vehicle’s status. These are some of the functions that will provide a smoother ownership and an increased experience and the opportunity to always have a good idea of how a scooter feels.
HiQ has been responsible for the design and system development of both the iOS and Android version of MyRide from the start.
Region HiQ Stockholm
Sandra Siljestedt
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I’m Sandra and I work with PR & Communications at HiQ. Do you want to know more about all the cool things we do at HiQ, or have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!
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