februari 1, 2023
HiQ helps RCL Holding reduce risks
HiQ helps RCL Holding meet risks and challenges when RCL Holding acquires Sefina Pantbank AB and HPO OY. HiQ’s framework within Technical Due Diligence is easily applied to the project, which finishes in only three weeks. “I’m very proud of the team for executing and finishing this assignment so quickly. It really shows that our offering within Technical Due Diligence is well thought out and easy to adapt to many different companies and situations. We keep simplifying for our clients and, in turn, simplifying the world with tech,” says Samuel Skott, CEO of HiQ.
In today’s fast-moving world, it’s sometimes essential to execute projects at a very high speed, especially when it comes to acquiring other companies. With this comes being adaptable and open to change. By reducing the risks connected to an acquisition and preparing the way for the buyers to increase the value of the business, a particular framework can be used so that the post-acquisition life is made much easier for management teams in different organizations.
Investment company RCL Holding means to acquire Sefina Pantbank AB and HPO OY and therefore needs to understand several challenges and risks to complete the transaction. The risks and challenges include the overall status of the software used, risks connected to the acquisition from an IT perspective, the potential to use the existing software in other Holding businesses and investments required to remedy any technical debt and IT legacies. RCL Holding turns to HiQ to assist with this assignment and to help meet these risks and challenges. In only three weeks, the project is finalized.
“We are very happy to work with HiQ on this. Their help and that they were very quick on their feet enabled us to finalize the deal in due time. It was vital for our business to be able to execute this so quickly. Furthermore, HiQ compiled a report that included evaluations of all areas of interest concerning necessary improvements, giving us a direct understanding of risks and a bargaining chip in the bidding process. In addition, they highlighted concrete KPIs that can improve the value of the business over time, which is great,” says Christoffer Lundström, CEO at RCL Holding.
HiQ needed to evaluate Sefina’s and HPO’s position against the best practices in all IT-related areas, with a focus on software development and products. The team at HiQ also prepared a list of recommended actions and cost estimations connected with each such action. With HiQ’s extensive experience in Technical Due Diligence, a project was initiated using the proven and successful framework HiQ developed over the years. The framework allows for systematic, overarching analysis of the technology-related aspects of businesses. It includes analysis of documentation, interviews with key staff, know-how for structured facts collection and interpretation.
For more information about Technical Due Diligence at HiQ, please contact:
Anders Nilsson, anders.nilsson2@hiq.se, +46 70 643 1847
Region HiQ Stockholm
Karolina Israelsson
Hi 👋
I’m Karolina and I work with PR & Communications at HiQ. Do you want to know more about all the cool things we do at HiQ, or have any other questions? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me!
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