How HiQ Helps You and Your Business

As competition intensifies and demands from regulators, management, consumers, customers, and suppliers increase, it becomes even more crucial to develop flawless and secure software.

More and more IT and OT (Operations Technology) are being connected and integrated to enable industrial companies to create more and better value for their customers. At the same time, the tolerance for errors in society-sustaining industrial software is decreasing. The digital transformation of industrial companies is essential, and close collaboration with experts who think and act correctly from the start is necessary. Traditionally, industrial software development projects have fixed start and end dates and predefined budgets. This approach often limits the flexibility needed to develop the most valuable and secure software.

Product Instead of Project

To build software more cost-effectively and correctly from the start, it is important to think and work in terms of product or service rather than within a defined project. It is also essential to develop cybersecurity and safety from the beginning. One way to achieve this is to deliver functional software continuously and to test and quality-assure the scalable technical solution from the outset.

The Right Mindset for Change

There is a clear correlation between companies that support digital initiatives and those that achieve business value through these initiatives. In today’s and tomorrow’s digital organizations, openness to change through digital transformation is a success factor. To change behaviors, processes, and working methods in the best way, it is essential for management to support digital change, prioritize resources accordingly, and communicate why it is necessary.

Five Steps for Your Digital Transformation

To navigate your digital journey, you can follow these five steps:

  1. Analyze needs, purpose, and expected outcomes before defining the solution.
  2. Design solution proposals based on needs.
  3. Develop or procure the system solution based on needs, purpose, and expected outcomes.
  4. Implement and integrate it into the business.
  5. Evaluate, follow up, and facilitate the change.

Unique Solutions that Customers Patent

HiQ has collaborated with customers developing critical applications for over 25 years. By focusing on products and services as goals, we build unique solutions that customers often patent. We contribute, for example, to implementing autonomous driving and driver assistance in vehicles, and we have built and developed the IT solution for Swish, which are typical solutions that must work flawlessly and be secure.

How We Collaborate with Customers

Building unique software for industrial companies requires not only technical skill but also a culture of continuous improvement to create the best possible products and services. Here are five key points in our collaboration approach:

1. Continuous Feedback and Communication

Open and honest communication is key to success, so we foster an environment where feedback flows freely. This allows us to quickly identify and address issues and improve our processes.

2. Automation of Testing and Deployment

To ensure the highest quality software delivered quickly and efficiently, we use continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD). By automating testing and deployment, we can quickly detect and correct errors, increasing productivity and quality.

3. Agile Working Methods

We adapt quickly to changes thanks to agile work methodologies. Through short development cycles and regular iterations, we focus on delivering useful features and continuously improving our processes.

4. Training and Skills Development

To deliver the best possible software, we invest in training and skills development for our team members. By staying up-to-date on technologies and methods, our team has the knowledge and skills required for success.

5. Measuring and Analyzing Performance

We use tools and methods to continuously measure and analyze our performance. This helps us identify bottlenecks and make informed decisions about improvements. It enables us to optimize our processes and deliver high-quality software efficiently.